Utterly thesaurus
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usage: "the law is effective immediately" "a warranty good for two years" "the law is already in effect (or in force)" A foretbougbt, or forethinking, Prmedita- To forget utterly, Perpetu oblivione obrure, The lower moft form, Infimum sublelium. Find 5 ways to say UTTERLY FAIL, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

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usage: "an effective reprimand" "a lotion that is effective in cases of prickly heat".Shaw "effective personnel" "an efficient secretary" "the efficient cause of the revolution" usage: "people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons.-G.501 Synonym & Antonym Questions example, atrocious means utterly. Able to accomplish a purpose functioning effectively. He denounced the papal government as utterly degraded, and urged that the vast property of the Church, which he held to be the chief cause of its degradation, should be secularized and that the clergy should consist of ' poor priests,' supported only by tithes and alms. Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Mentions Descriptive words. A free and open-source website for searching the largest thesaurus in the English language.usage: "an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch's broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation-LewisMumford "effective teaching methods" "effective steps toward peace" "made an effective entrance" "his complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action" "an efficacious law".Producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect.

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  • Adverb absolutely, abundantly, entirely, perfectly.
  • Adverb actually, acutely, adamantly, altogether, awfully, badly, basically, bitterly, blatantly, bluntly, brutally, categorically, certainly, clearly, comprehensively, critically, crucially, crystal, decidedly, decisively, deeply, definitely, demonstrably, desperately, determinedly, diametrically, distinctly, downright, dramatically, drastically, dreadfully, earnestly, eminently, emphatically, energetically, enormously, exactly, exceedingly, exceptionally, excessively, exclusively, explicitly, expressly, extraordinarily, extremely, fairly, fiercely, firmly, flatly, forcefully, frankly, full, fully, fundamentally, genuinely, glaringly, gravely, greatly, grossly, heartily, heavily, highly, hopelessly, horribly, hugely, immensely, incredibly, integrally, intensely, keenly, literally, manifestly, miserably, outright, overly, overwhelmingly, particularly, passionately, patently, plainly, positively, practically, pretty, profoundly, purely, quite, radically, really, remarkably, resolutely, resoundingly, robustly, roundly, securely, seriously, severely, sharply, simply, sincerely, sorely, squarely, starkly, staunchly, steadfastly, strictly, strikingly, strongly, substantially, supremely, surely, terribly, thoroughly, transparently, tremendously, truly, ultimately, unambiguously, unconditionally, undoubtedly, unequivocally, unquestionably, unreservedly, urgently, vastly, vehemently, very, vigorously, virtually, vitally, whatsoever, wholeheartedly, wholly, wildly, woefully, Definitively, Triply, blindingly.

  • Utterly thesaurus