For more information, visit the ETS website.
Passing score of 162 on the Educational Testing Services (ETS) Praxis II Speech-Language Pathology Test (Test code 5331).
Individuals prepared in California may apply directly to the Commission for the clear credential by submitting an application packet consisting of items 1-5 required for the preliminary credential (listed above) and all of the requirements listed in one of the following options: Option 1 - Verification of Examination Scores and Clinical Experience/Supervised Practicum Requirements for the Clear Credential - For Individuals Prepared in California Territories must complete requirements 1-5 listed above and obtain the formal recommendation of a California college or university with a Commission-approved Speech-Language Pathology Services Program. Note : The institution of higher education may recommend the California-prepared candidate for a clear credential instead of a preliminary if the candidate meets all of the requirements for both the preliminary and the clear credential.Individuals prepared outside of the United States or U.S.
This form should be given to the credential analyst at the recommending institution prior to online application submission. If not previously submitted to the Commission, a completed Live Scan receipt is also required ( form 41-LS).An application must be submitted online by the recommending institution.The master’s degree program must be accredited by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Council on Academic Accreditation. Hold or have been recommended for a master’s degree or higher in speech-language pathology from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
See Commission leaflet CL-667, entitled Basic Skills Requirement for additional information.
A Commission-approved specialized preparation program resulting in the formal recommendation for the credential by the college or university where the program was completed. Individuals must satisfy all of the following requirements: Requirements for the Two-Year Preliminary Credential - For Individuals Prepared in California While many Commission-approved programs and employers currently require individuals to meet the updated requirements, individuals will be held to complete these requirements to earn the SCA effective issuance date July 1, 2012. The SCA authorizes the holder to provide instructional services to special need students in the area of autism and speech and language impairment who are identified through the local level special education assessment, and to conduct Educational Assessments related to students’ access to the academic core curriculum and Special Education Support (see Terms and Definitions).Since the SCA is a teaching authorization, requirements have been updated to include satisfying subject-matter competence, reading, and English learner requirements to align with other special education teaching authorizations on the Education Specialist Teaching Credential as well as No Child Left Behind compliance. The Special Class Authorization (SCA) is a teaching authorization that may be added to a credential that authorizes providing speech services. The Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential in Language, Speech and Hearing authorizes the holder to conduct Language, Speech, and Hearing Assessments and provide Educational Services, provide specific learning disability area services related to speech and language, and special education services to individuals with language and speech impairments across the special education disability areas, to students from birth through age 22 in services across the continuum of program options available found in California Code of Regulations Title 5 Section 80048.9.3 (see Terms and Definitions). Language, Speech and Hearing and Audiology including Special Class Authorization. Language, Speech and Hearing including Special Class Authorization. Language, Speech and Hearing and Audiology. The Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential may be issued in any of the following areas: If requirements for the clear credential are not completed before the expiration of the preliminary, the holder will be unable to serve in California’s public schools with that credential until those requirements are met and the document renewed.
The clear credential is issued once all credential requirements have been completed. Individuals receiving the preliminary credential are making a commitment to complete the process and obtain the clear credential. The two-year preliminary credential is the first document issued after an individual meets the specific credential requirements. California has a two-tier structure for this credential that consists of a sequence of requirements, which the holder is given up to two years to complete.